Page 16 - The House Library
P. 16

  In conversation with ...
Hannah Wilson & James Bailey
Hannah, you have 10 years of experience, and James, you have over 35 years in the real estate industry. Can you share a memorable moment from your career that still brings a smile to your face?
HW & JB - At the end of May 2023, we completed on the sale of a Belgrave Square house. We had been working on this since August 2022 and it is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and interesting homes we have both ever been involved with.
How has the real estate industry changed since you both started your careers, and how have you adapted to those changes?
HW - The nature of the property market means we have seen lots of changes but one of the most significant is the increasing level of governance in the sector. From Anti-Money Laundering legislation, to GDPR, the Tenant Fee Act, Right to Rent checks and EPC’s, things are constantly evolving. In my role, it is extremely important to be aware of upcoming changes and new legislation, and to communicate these updates to our clients, to ensure that we are always compliant on their behalf and as a wider company.
JB - The advances in technology have been huge since I started my career in 1986. Back in the day, we didn’t have computers on our desks, mobile phones or have use of the web portals, so the way
in which we communicated with clients and applicants was very different. Now, of course, your mobile phone can almost be a hand- held office and allows you to work from anywhere and clients to contact you at any time.
What drew you to join Tedworth Property, and what do you enjoy most about working here?
HW & JB - We had worked with Christian and Simon previously, both on sales and rental deals, and really enjoyed doing so – one of the most notable of these was finding the buyer for Tedworth’s Chelsea Park Gardens house in 2021. It was therefore a real pleasure to join the company earlier this year.
HW - One of the things that is most important to me in a job is the people you work with and the team at Tedworth could not be better – proactive, dedicated, and supportive of each other’s achievements. I know James feels the same.
What’s the most valuable piece of advice you’ve ever received in your career, and how has it helped you get to where you are today?
HW - To never put any one on a pedestal (the wise words of
James Bailey!) – in a job where you meet new faces every day, it
is so important to treat everyone equally and with the same level
of professionalism. One of our most treasured clients is a lovely Australian lady, who prior to instructing us, had been speaking
with some of the larger corporate agencies about the sale of her Belgravia home. She chose to go with us rather than them because of the tailored approach we offered. Subsequently, this client has also purchased a property through us, and we continue to enjoy our ‘Lunch Club’ when she is in the UK!
JB – it is imperative that you listen more than talk.
If you could each own any property in the world, what would it be, and why?
JB – I would like a small farm in Hampshire, where I could raise a few animals to keep myself busy.
HW – It would probably be a cliff top villa, overlooking the sea, in Hvar, Croatia. Hvar is the perfect mix of fun and escapism, which is the best of both worlds in my opinion.
When you’re not working, what’s your favourite way to relax and unwind?
HW – A long walk, ideally by the sea.
JB – I love rugby and cricket, so an afternoon watching either of these is perfect.
Let’s have a bit of fun with some quick questions. Coffee or tea?
HW - Earl Grey Tea JB - Tea
Beach or mountains?
HW - Beach (Tedworth ski trip is a close second) JB - Beach
Favourite vacation destination?
HW - This is very tricky – either Hvar or the Algarve JB - Majorca
Early bird or night owl?
HW - Early Bird JB - Early Bird

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